Atlantis Rising Healing Centre - 0755 367 399 -

Carmel Glenane founded Atlantis-Rising and began teaching and healing in Coolangatta in 1991. Today the business is located on the main street of Coolangatta, Gold Coast... Atlantis Rising Healing Centre displays & retails fine designer jewellery, Egyptian jewellery & statues, CrystalTones/& Gold plated Sound Bowls, crystals, Ken Davis relaxation music and DVD's We also have Heart Activations, Reiki Healings and Trainings, Egyptian healings,Tarot Consult, Massage (Hicaps available), Beauty, Shellac nails, spray tanning, Orthopractic Alignments, Japanese Acupuncture & Homeopathy. We also hold Spiritual ceremonies for naming (children) and bonding (relationships).

Our Healings work through the principle of self-nurturing, by nurturing yourself through Reiki and the Feminine Energies, the mystery of the soul unravels, your perception becomes clear and your life improves, bringing Peace and Love.

The Atlantis-Rising Mystery School was founded in 2006, and teaches through The Philosophy of the Divine Feminine. Our ascension program teaches through the 5 levels of initiation revealing the mysteries gently. We introduce you to the mysteries through the healing vibration of Reiki (USUI, Karuna and Seichim-Sekhem). Attunements are available in one-on-one intensive course or through work shops. Allow the secrets to be revealed to you through the mysteries of the feminine energies. Carmel Glenane founder and owner of Atlantis Rising is an International Teacher, Published Author and sought-after Speaker and healer.

Spas/beauty/personal care